October 10, 2019 @ 5:30PM — 7:30PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
An opportunity to gather around food!
At Urban Servant Corps, we believe that people need people – and it is in community that we are able to live more simple, faithful lives that are in service to others. As a way of expressing our mission and a human tendency to gather around food, we invite you to our LET’S EAT event!
You will have the opportunity to bid on specially-themed dinner parties and sample bites from the menus for you to EAT! Parties include: Ukranian Comfort food, South African meal, French Picnic at Denver Botanic Gardens, Broncos-themed Game Day, and a Birthday Brunch. As the winning bidder, you will invite 6-8 of your friends to your home for a party and the delicious meal that you “won” will be brought to your home. Additionally, a handful of restaurant gift cards will be available for bidding at the event.
Our goal is to raise the amount our full-time volunteers are given for groceries for the year so they can EAT!
Also, it’s the 10th Anniversary of Krista Kilgus serving as USC’s Executive Director. Let’s celebrate (and EAT)!